XenDesktop 7 BrowserName attribute incorrect

A user found this issue because on his mobile device (IPad) it said he was connected to an app that he did not open. Here is the scenario:

1. copy an existing app named “Calculator1″
2. Rename the copied app to “Calculator2″
3. The web interface and receivers will now show the new name. But when the user connects to calculator2 from an Ipad, goes to “switch apps” button on receiver, it will show connected to calculator1.

Looking into the problem further, I ran a Get-BrokerApplication -name calculator2.

ApplicationType : HostedOnDesktop
BrowserName : Calculator1
CommandLineExecutable : c:windowssystem32calc.exe
Name : Calculator2
PublishedName : Calculator2

This appears to be a bug in XenDesktop 7.  Whenever you copy or rename an app it does not update the BrowserName attribute to the new name.  To fix this you can run the below PowerShell script from a DDC.  This script will make the BrowserName match what is set for PublishedName for all apps in your farm/site.


Import-Module Citrix.XenDesktop.Admin
Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*
$apps = get-brokerapplication
foreach ($app in $apps){
$appname = $app.Name
Set-BrokerApplication -Name $appname -BrowserName $appname